Worth1000.com is one of those sites where you can express your photoshop skills and creativity. With regular contests on a variety of tops, you will be challenged to your creative limits, while at the same time, being able to view some extremely taleneted works! Check it out here at Worth1000.com
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Now Playing
Now Playing at the Forest Kineto Kiwanis Theatre
Little Fockers
Jan.28,29,30, Feb. 1
All Seats $5 Doors open at 7:30pm Showtime 8:00PM
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Good, The Bad, And The Prettier Than Me!
We have a little tradition our family has developed anytime we head to Toronto – we meet up with Grandma Smiley and head on board a TTC subway for a “train ride”, and I take pictures and scrapbook them afterwards of course! Yesterday was one of these days, our ride was actually a very long one going from Kipling Station right down to the last stop on the new Rapid Transit line…and back again. Along the way we met 3 very nice drivers – and one... :( The first two drivers were funny, I was taking a picture of my son by a train, and the one drivers laughs at the other driver and says, “here, take his picture, he’s prettier than me.” Later we stopped at the very end of the RT Line, no one was left on the train, and we were stopped for a few minutes before heading back, I quickly popped out to take a few pictures as the snow was really coming down at the point, and it made an interesting shot – this is were the driver gets on the loud speaker and tells me I’m not allowed to take pictures on the public subway…and then repeats himself. Now really, everyone has good days and bad days, so maybe this guy was having a bad day and was simply needing an outlet to vent, I don’t know, and chances are I’ll never know, but what I do know, is that his claim was absolutely wrong. Anyone taking a look at the TTC Bylaws will see that there is actually a by-law prohibiting photography and videography for commercial purposes, so what I was doing was in no way in the wrong. Just a heads up for anyone planning a similar outing with your kids…go ahead, take your camera, Bylaw 1.3.17 says you are free to do so, as a matter of fact, Bylaw 1.3.18 states that “nothing in this by-law prohibits the use of any camera…”
Now, I don’t want to end with me sticking out my tongue, and like I said the guy may have been
having a really bad day – we all have bad days sometimes, but…there was one last driver I want to tell you about who we met before the ride was done. I don’t know his name, but I can tell you, he was wonderful to the children who got on the train, and at one point he was reamed out by a woman claiming he closed the door on her – ( in actual fact he had no control of the doors, that was someone else entirely), instead of arguing his point though, he apologized, explained the doors briefly, and then apologized again in a Very Calm and Kind manner. As a result, the woman apologized as well and was on her way. Again, maybe the lady was having an off day, who knows. My point in this whole post however is this … actually two fold: 1st - when you are working for someone, or a big company – your face is the face of the company – and on the job, or life in general - your attitude can be your own worst enemy. My second point is…there’s nothing that will turn away strife faster than a kind word.
We enjoyed our outing riding the subway yesterday, and are thankful for the drivers, ticket sellers and all those out there behind the label of the TTC.
*Images Edited with Michael Andrew’s Paintballer Pro Presets
Friday, January 21, 2011
Now Playing
Now Playing at the Forest Kiwanis Kineto theatre
Yogi Bear
Jan. 21,22,23,25
All Seats $5 Doors Open at 7:30Pm, show time 8PM
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Canadian Humour
Canada is known for a dry witty humour, and who better to demonstrate this than Rick Mercer and Jann Arden! Enjoy a laugh!! Thanks for showing me this Clare :D
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
DSLR Class Announced!
This is it! The day you will want to set aside to take part in – The day to learn all about that new digital SLR camera – and for some of you, the day to finally learn more about this years Christmas present. This will be a fun filled day of learning, hands on practical, and lots of question and answer time! Please see all the details below, and drop me a line to reserve your spot today! Looking forward to seeing you then!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Now Playing
Now Playing at the forest kineto theatre,
Jan. 14,15,16,18
All seats $5 Doors open at 7:30pm, showtime 8PM
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Go Pro Goes 3D
I love these cool little cameras! The outdoor, waterproof, shock-resistant, action camera designed to go where you go and see what you see. Well GoPro has now come out with the 3D Hero case - the high-tech version of taping a pair of cameras together. What’s more the 3D Hero link cable allows one GoPro camera to take full control of a second for automatic video sync. Check out more about the GoPro Hero Series here at GoPro.com
Monday, January 10, 2011
Race Night
The Annual Race Night Event is coming up in Arkona at Elim Bible Chapel. Everyone is in welcome to come out – And for those wishing to place a car in the event please contact the chapel for a car kit. Check out the video from last years event below! Event night is Wednesday, February 16th, prepare to join in!
Saturday, January 08, 2011
55 Years Ago
I looked at my husband this morning and said - “it’s not my fault we’re a disposable society” – I was trying to track down a replacement motor for our range hood – looks like it will be about as cheap to get an entirely new range hood! Then I received this email, I wonder how long it will be before my comment is snickered at?
Comments made in the year 1955!
‘I’ll tell you one thing, if things
keep going the way they are,
it’s going to be impossible to
buy a week’s groceries for $10.00. ‘
‘Have you seen the new cars
coming out next year? It won’t
be long before $1, 000.00 will
only buy a used one.’
‘If cigarettes keep going up in
price, I’m going to quit; 20 cents
a pack is ridiculous. ‘
‘Did you hear the post office is
thinking about charging 7 cents
just to mail a letter.’
‘If they raise the minimum wage
to $1.00, nobody will be able to
hire outside help at the store.’
‘When I first started driving, who
would have thought gas would
someday cost 25 cents a gallon.
Guess we’d be better off leaving
the car in the garage.’
‘I’m afraid to send my kids to the
movies any more. Ever since they
let Clark Gable get by with saying
it seems every new movie has
either HELL or DAMN in it.’
‘I read the other day where some
scientist thinks it’s possible to put
a man on the moon by the end of
the century. They even have some
fellows they call astronauts
preparing for it down in Texas.’
‘Did you see where some baseball
player just signed a contract for
$50,000 a year just to play ball?
It wouldn’t surprise me if someday
they’ll be making more than the
President. ‘
‘I never thought I’d see the day
all our kitchen appliances would
be electric. They are even making
electric typewriters now. ‘
‘It’s too bad things are so tough
nowadays. I see where a few
married women are having to
work to make ends meet. ‘
‘It won’t be long before young
couples are going to have to hire
someone to watch their kids so
they can both work.’
‘I’m afraid the Volkswagen car
is going to open the door to a
whole lot of foreign business.’
‘Thank goodness I won’t live to
see the day when the Government
takes half our income in taxes. I
sometimes wonder if we are
electing the best people to
‘The drive-in restaurant is
convenient in nice weather,
but I seriously doubt they
will ever catch on.’
‘There is no sense going on short
trips anymore for a weekend. It
costs nearly $2.00 a night to stay
in a hotel.’
‘No one can afford to be sick
anymore. At $15.00 a day in
the hospital, it’s too rich for
my blood.’
‘If they think I’ll pay 30 cents
for a hair cut, forget it.’
Friday, January 07, 2011
I thought I would declare today “Friends Day”. So, as a result, I’m posting a picture of friends of ours that I found on my external drive. This was really just a candid shot that I took after church one day – the green background is just a padded mat mounted to the wall. With a very shallow depth of field though, even a gym mat can look classy :D Thankful for all of our friends! Today – Dave & Sue, you’re special on the list!
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Now Playing
Now Playing at the Forest Kineto Theatre
Jan. 7,8,9,11
All Seats $5 Doors Open at 7:30PM Showtime 8:00PM
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
I’ve seen the Eye-Fi cards around for some time now, and never really saw them as that useful – until now! This is one very cool way to use your camera and iphone or ipad in especially awkward or unique situations. My initial thought was to use it with the Skycam, but I’ll leave that up to you for how you would best use this technology – Take a look!
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Kevin & Allison
A smiling face I hadn’t seen in some time – Engaged, and sporting a beaming smile with Allison in his arms! Congratulations Kevin and Allison!!!
Monday, January 03, 2011
A New Year
It’s a New Year - And there is lots in store with Captured Innocence Photography! Our first wedding of the year starts in February and fun and amazing activities will be captured through out the year. I’m also planning another SLR class soon – more news to come on this, and possibly a class on learning your point and shoot camera as well. As for today, well, it’s editing time! Last week I did minimal editing, I had two family shoots and an engagement, but actually took the time off between Christmas and New Years for family time, and enjoyed every minute of it. So, I figured I would begin the first photography post of the new year with family! I am seriously blessed with the families I meet, absolutely incredibly nice people! This shoot was actually planned for the Monday of our snow event – you remember - the one that brought in the army and helicopters that stranded hundreds on the 402 for 24 plus hours! Well, some fun outdoor snow shots where just not going to happen that day, so I was able to meet the Gillis family on Monday with a wonderful covering of snow!