Thursday, September 10, 2009

Site Meter is my main advertised sight, it is set up and designed by me, now granted I do realize it's not overly flashy etc. - and I would absolutely love a  David Jay Showit site - they are fantastic for anyone looking into having a professional looking site, and yet not an avid HTML editor!  Being in a rural area however I do realize that not everyone is on high speed, so keeping things basic comes in very handy!  Here is a really good tool though for anyone who runs their own site, and wants to follow the traffic.  I recently added to my blog site, I mean 24 hours ago, I was noticing the counter going up, which I hadn't been watching previously, and was curious to see where the hits where coming from - in more detail than what my web host gives them.  If you are interested in checking out in more detail the stats for your site, check it out - - it's free, and pretty neat!

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